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A pare tag is a small piece of soft, hanging peel that may have a peduncle, or stem. They can appear anywhere on the trunk, merely peculiarly where skin rubs against other skin or wear.

Other names are an acrochordon, cutaneous papilloma, cutaneous tag, fibroepithelial polyp, fibroma molluscum, fibroma pendulum, soft fibroma, and Templeton skin tags.

Skin tags are very common and mostly occur later midlife. They affect men and women equally.

Skin tags, Grook Da Oger, own work, 2012 (wikicommons) Share on Pinterest
Skin tags are harmless and ofttimes removed for cosmetic reasons.
Grook Da Oger, own piece of work, 2012

Skin tags are benign, noncancerous, tumors of the skin. They consist of a core of fibers and ducts, nerve cells, fat cells, and a covering or epidermis.

They may appear on the:

  • eyelids
  • armpits
  • nether the breasts
  • groin
  • upper chest
  • neck, in the case of papilloma colli

They often go unnoticed, unless they are in a prominent identify or are repeatedly rubbed or scratched, for case, by wearable, jewelry, or when shaving.

Some people may have skin tags and never observe them. In some cases, they rub off or fall off painlessly. Very large skin tags may flare-up nether pressure.

The surface of skin tags may be polish or irregular in appearance. They are oft raised from the surface of the skin on fleshy peduncles, or stalks. They are commonly mankind-colored or slightly brownish.

Skin tags start pocket-size, flattened like a pinhead bump. Some stay pocket-sized, and some grow bigger. They tin can range in diameter from 2 millimeters (mm) to i centimeter (cm), and some may reach 5cm.

As skin tags are ordinarily harmless, removal is unremarkably for artful or corrective reasons.

Large skin tags, especially in areas where they may rub against something, such every bit habiliment, jewelry or skin, may exist removed due to irritation.

Removing a big skin tag from the face or under the arms can make shaving easier.


The following procedures may exist used:

  • Cauterization: The skin tag is burned off using electrolysis
  • Cryosurgery: The peel tag is frozen off using a probe containing liquid nitrogen
  • Ligation: The blood supply to the pare tag is interrupted
  • Excision: The tag is cut out with a scalpel

These procedures should merely exist done past a dermatologist, or specialist skin doctor, or a similarly trained medical professional.

Skin tags on the eyelid, especially those close to the eyelid margin, may have to exist removed by an ophthalmologist, or specialist eye doctor.

Removing a skin tag at dwelling is non normally recommended, due to a gamble of bleeding and possible infection.

However, very minor tags can exist removed past tying dental floss or thin cotton thread effectually the base of the tag to cut off circulation to the tag.

Over-the-counter solutions

Over-the-counter (OTC) solutions are available at pharmacies. These freeze the pare tag, and it will autumn off after 7 to ten days. These may likewise exist purchased online, although information technology is recommended that professional medical communication is sought before using these treatments.

These medications are similar to those used for wart removal.

In that location is no testify that removing skin tags encourages more of them to develop.

Information technology is non clear exactly what causes skin tags, but it may happen when clusters of collagen and blood vessels become trapped inside thicker pieces of peel.

As they are more than mutual in pare creases or folds, they may be mainly caused by pare rubbing confronting skin.

Some people appear to inherit an increased susceptibility to skin tags.

Peel tags affect people both males and females, simply they happen more often during pregnancy, in people who are obese, and in people with diabetes.

They have been associated with hyperinsulinemia, when at that place is as well much insulin circulating in the claret.

Take a chance factors for peel tags

Skin tags appear to be more common in:

  • people who are overweight and obese
  • those with diabetes
  • women during pregnancy, possibly due to hormonal changes and high levels of growth factors
  • those with some types of man papilloma virus (HPV)
  • people with a sex-steroid imbalance, peculiarly if in that location are changes in levels of estrogen and progesterone
  • those whose close family members likewise have skin tags

Studies have plant that skin tags are more than likely to occur with:

  • obesity
  • dyslipidemia, for case, loftier cholesterol levels
  • hypertension, or high blood force per unit area

They have too been linked to insulin resistance and elevated high-sensitive C-reactive poly peptide, a marker of inflammation.

This suggests that skin tags may offer an external sign of an increased risk of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

More rarely, pare tags are rarely associated with:

  • Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome

Birt-Hogg-Dubé (BHD) syndrome is a rare genetic condition characterized by skin tumors, including multiple fibrofolliculomas, trichodiscomas, and acrochordon, or pare tags. Carcinomas, or cancerous tumors, may besides develop in the kidneys and colon.