Increasing the humidity in your home is primal to keeping your houseplants salubrious and thriving during the cold, dry out months.

Read the Abound-How™ Team'south favorite ways to increase the humidity to continue houseplants salubrious throughout the year.

Many of our indoor plants originate from humid jungle environments, so moisture in the air is vital to keep plants lush and healthy. The ideal humidity for houseplants is twoscore-lx% higher than the humidity levels found in our homes, especially during the wintertime when fireplaces and furnaces create drier air conditions. To provide your plants with an ideal living surround in the wintertime, it's essential to increase the humidity for your plants.

In addition to misting your plants regularly, there are several options to keep your plants (and yourself!) good for you and happy during the drier winter months.

What are the signs that your plants need higher humidity?

Your plant has many ways of telling you that it needs more than humidity. A few signs are:

  • Leaves begin to develop brown edges
  • Plants begin to wilt and droop
  • Leaves brainstorm to plow yellow
  • Foliage becomes crispy to touch

If any of your plants are exhibiting any of the symptoms listed above, lack of humidity may be the culprit.

How to increment the humidity for your plants

Mist your plants

This volition raise the humidity around the plant, but the outcome is temporary. Never mist plants with hairy leaves, such as African violets, Purple Heart, Stretocarpella to name a few. The "hair" on the leaves holds h2o in place, encouraging diseases and leaving spots on the foliage.

Increase humidity for plants

Employ pebble trays

Place a layer of pebbles in the tray, add water until the pebbles are not quite covered, and set the plants on top. The pebbles hold the institute above the water so that the roots are not constantly wet. As the water in the tray evaporates, it increases the moisture in the air around the plant.

Increase humidity for plants

Create a microclimate

Place several plants in a group, creating a pocket of humidity. If able to, put a dish of h2o or a small-scale watering can total of water in the center.

Utilise a humidifier

Good for the plants but also skillful for humans to add actress humidity during the winter period.

Increase humidity for plants

Give them a bathroom

Give your plants regular showers or baths during the winter months. Non only do they enjoy the extra moisture, merely this will also clean any dust from the leafage where tiny pests like to hide. Recall to use lukewarm water.

Increase humidity for plants

Place plants in more than humid rooms

Areas in your home such as kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms tend to have more humidity.

Increase humidity for plants

Need Assist?

If yous accept a plant that'south struggling to thrive, our Abound-How™ Team is hither to help. Contact the Grow-How™ Team today to get expert found care communication on whatsoever plant.